ひとりでがんばりマスター! - 幼児向け無料学習アプリ

by 株式会社 久野泰可教育研究所



An app for young children that is ideal for elementary school exam learning and preschool education at home

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○小学校受験の試験で出題される問題を1,700問網羅し、ご家庭での小学校受験学習や就学前教育に最適なアプリとして再編集いたしました。○楽しみながら学習するだけで、「聞く力・考える力・理解する力・答える力」が自然に身に付く内容です。○より学習に特化し「おたのしみモード」アニメがカットされました。「ひとりでとっくん365日」がアプリになった!幼児教育を何から始めたらよいか迷っている保護者の方、まずはこのアプリをお試しください!「◆幼児教育のパイオニア「こぐま会」監修◆こぐま会の人気オリジナル問題集「ひとりでとっくん365日」がついにアプリ化!1700以上の多種多様な問題と、こぐま会代表久野先生によるアドバイス付き!幼児期に思考力を育てる問題が詰まった幼児教育アプリの決定版!「ひとりでがんばりマスター!」の5つのポイント1.お受験・就学前教育に最適な全1,700問を収録〜「ひとりでとっくん365日 」01〜12まで(360問)の約5倍の問題数!2.やさしい問題から難しい問題へ〜こどもたちの理解の順序に沿った構成で出題されます!3.楽しみながら学習するだけで「聞く力・考える力・理解する力・答える力」が自然に身につきます!4.「いつでも」「どこでも」「楽しみながら」手軽で本格的な幼児教育・お受験学習ができます!5.誰でも手軽に幼児教育に挑戦できる価格設定〜各巻980円!セット購入でさらにお得に!【特徴】・数・図形・言語など、小学校で習う教科の基礎となる考え方がしっかり身に付く・難易度別の全8巻(有料)・1700以上の多種多様な問題・難易度順問題を並べた「おすすめ」モード・難易度が低めな「しゅぎょう」や「れんしゅう」モード・先生からのアドバイスがもらえる「ちょうせん」モード・条件を達成するともらえる様々なご褒美アイテム※0巻は無料でご利用いただけます、1~8巻はそれぞれ有料となります。 0巻でご利用いただけるモードは「おためし」のみとなります。 0巻"おためし"は1〜8巻の問題をチョイスしてありますので、簡単な問題から難しい問題まで出題されます。【機能】・操作方法をふでまるがわかりやすく説明してくれるチュートリアル・問題を解く補助として使えるメモ帳・問題が終わると採点結果を表示・ちょうせん、しゅぎょうでは学習履歴が残るので、過去の採点結果が閲覧可能・お子様が2人以上いる場合、アカウントを分けて複数作る事が可能・購入やアカウント管理などのメニューにお子様が入れないための認証付き・不正解だと解答が見られるイージーモード・一定時間使用していると「ふでまるが」注意してくれる使いすぎ防止機能」○ Covers 1,700 questions that are asked in the elementary school exam, and learns and attends elementary school exams at home.We have re-edited it as the best app for pre-education.○ Just by learning while having fun, "the ability to listen, think, understand, and answer" naturallyThis is what you will learn.○ The "Fun Mode" animation has been cut, specializing in learning."Alone Tokkun 365 days" is now an app!Parents who are wondering where to start early childhood education,Please try this app first!"◆ Supervised by" Kogumakai ", a pioneer of early childhood education ◆Koguma-kais popular original problem collection "Alone Tokkun 365 days" is finally available as an app!With over 1700 various problems and advice from Mr. Kuno, the representative of Kogumakai!The definitive early childhood education app with problems to develop thinking skills in early childhood!Five points of "Master alone!"1. Contains a total of 1,700 questions that are ideal for exams and preschool education~ "Alone Tokkun 365 days" 01-12 (360 questions), about 5 times as many questions!2. From easy problems to difficult problems~ The questions will be organized according to the order of understanding of the children!3. Just by learning while having fun, you will naturally acquire "the ability to listen, think, understand, and answer."I will get it!4. "Anytime," "anywhere," "while having fun," easy and full-scale early childhood education and exam learningto come!5. Price setting that anyone can easily challenge early childhood education~ Each volume is 980 yen! Save even more with a set purchase!【Feature】・ Acquire the basic ideas of subjects learned in elementary school, such as numbers, figures, and languages.・ All 8 volumes by difficulty level (charged)・ More than 1700 various problems・ "Recommended" mode in which questions are arranged in order of difficulty・ Low difficulty "Shugyo" and "Renshu" modes・ "Chosen" mode where you can get advice from the teacher・ Various reward items that can be obtained by achieving the conditions* Volume 0 can be used free of charge, and volumes 1 to 8 are charged respectively.The only mode that can be used with Volume 0 is "Trial".Volume 0 "Trial" has a choice of problems from Volume 1 to Volume 8, so simple problems to difficult problemsWill be asked.【function】・ Tutorial that explains the operation method in an easy-to-understand manner・ Notepad that can be used as an aid to solve problems・ When the question is over, the scoring result is displayed.・ Since the learning history remains in Chosen and Shugyo, past scoring results can be viewed.・ If you have two or more children, you can create multiple accounts separately.・ With authentication to prevent children from entering menus such as purchase and account management・ Easy mode where you can see the answer if it is incorrect・ Overuse prevention function that warns you when you use it for a certain period of time.・通信エラーバグ修正